MK Hanin Zoabi

Joint List Backs MKs Zoabi and Touma-Sliman; Blasts Fascistic Attacks Hurled against Them

The Joint List parliamentary faction stood shoulder to shoulder behind its MKs Hanin Zoabi (Balad) and Aida Touma-Sliman (Hadash) on Wednesday, June 29, and blasted the “fascistic attacks” being hurled against the two women lawmakers. This followed the reported conversation the same day between Israel’s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, and Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit regarding…

MK Touma-Sliman during a demonstration for Arab-Bedouin rights in the Negev, August 2015

MK Touma-Sliman: Battle for Equality and Ending the Occupation are Inseparable

A leading Knesset member from the Joint List has described press reports of a $3.8 billion budget allocation to improve infrastructure and services in Arab communities in Israel has been exaggerated upward. In an interview with Al-Monitor, Hadash MK Aida Touma-Sliman commented, “Our estimate is that it amounts to nearly 10 billion shekels [$2.5 billion].” Touma-Sliman…

The demonstration last Saturday night, December 19, in front of the Likud headquarters in central Tel-Aviv

Thousands March in Tel Aviv against Right-Wing Provocations

3,000 demonstrators marched through the streets of Tel Aviv Saturday night, December 19, to protest right-wing provocations against human rights and peace activists. Organizers gave the protest the title: “Standing together against a government that incites instead of offering solutions; against the far-right’s attempts to silence and intimidate, from inside the government and from without.”…

A Palestinian child within a kite in front of the destroyed Al-Nada towers in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza Strip, August 4, 2014. The towers had had 90 flats

MK Touma-Sliman on UN’s 2014 Gaza Conflict Report: Submit Allegations of War Crimes to ICC

The United Nations Independent Commission of Inquiry into the 2014 Gaza conflict has gathered substantial information pointing to the possible commission of war crimes by both Israel and Palestinian armed groups. “The extent of the devastation and human suffering in Gaza was unprecedented and will impact generations to come,” Justice Mary McGowan Davis, chair of…