A protest against Sharap in Beer-Sheva (Photo: Physicians for Human Rights)

Bill to strengthen the public health system

A bill to strengthen the public health system was table on Tuesday by Hadash MK Dov Henin and supported by MKs Orly Levy-Abecassis (Likud Beteinu), Ilan Gillon (Meretz) and United Torah Judaism MK Ya’acov Litzman – from both the coalition and the opposition. The bill calls for providing geriatric nursing care to which families would…

Activists and doctors take part in a demonstration, organized by PHR organization, against a bill to legalize forced feeding of hunger-striking prisoners in Israel, in front of the Knesset, Jerusalem, June 16, 2014. The sign reads: "I work in medicine not torture" (Photo: Activestills)

Palestinian prisoners suspend hunger strike; 1,300 medical personnel against force-feeding

Sixty-three Palestinian prisoners have suspended the hunger strike which they have observed in Israeli jails since late April, one of their lawyers said Tuesday. Shawqi al-Ayasa, the minister of prisoner affairs for the newly-formed Palestinian unity government, confirmed the suspension of the hunger strike, saying a major portion of prisoners’ demands had been met. Prisoners…

Protest against forced feeding of Palestinian prisoners, Jerusalem, June 16, 2014. Activists and doctors take part in a demonstration, organized by Physicians for Human Rights organization, against the bill to legalize forced feeding of hunger-striking prisoners in Israel, in front of the Knesset. Sign in Hebrew reads: "Judge, what is legal in administrative detention?" and in English and Arabic: "Force Feeding = Torture." (Photo: Activestills)

MK Khenin: Force-feeding is torture

The Attorney General’s Office defended on Monday a controversial bill to allow hunger-striking prisoners to be force-fed, telling the Knesset Internal Affairs Committee it had suitable checks and balances and was not a “torture law.” The Knesset had been scheduled to vote on the bill in a final reading on Monday, as it had been…

Arab-Palestinian students protest in solidarity with prisoners on hunger strike inside Israeli jails, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, June 10, 2014 (Photo: Activestills)

Force-feeding bill meeting stiff opposition

The Knesset Internal Affairs and Environment Committee launched on Monday two days of marathon debates over the controversial bill allowing the force-feeding of Palestinian hunger-striking prisoners, as the bill advances toward its second and third readings. The bill, which is officially an amendment to the Prisons Ordinance, passed its first reading last week, with 29…

Peace ctivists take part in a solidarity protest with the Palestinian prisoners holding an hunger strike, outside the Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv, June 5, 2014. At least 6 Palestinian prisoners are hospitalized in Ichilov. Dozens of Palestinian prisoners are held in other hospitals in Israel. Most of the hunger strikes are protesting against their administrative detention by Israel.

Palestinian prisoner’s hunger strike in Israel continues

Despite objections of medical professionals and in violations of medical ethics, Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, has instructed to expedite a legislation that will enable force-feeding of Palestinian prisoners currently undergoing hunger strike as protest against their administrative detention. Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) called on the government to release all administrative detainees, and urges…

PHR: Objection to the proposed amendment to the Prisons Act

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) calls to call upon the Attorney general and the Ministry of Health to withdraw their support of the proposed amendment to the law:  “Amendment to the Prisons Act  (Preventing  Damages due to Hunger Strikes), 2013.” According to PHR, this proposed amendment incorporates significant violations of human rights and medical ethics; it provides a legislative foundation…