Among the participants in Saturday night’s mass demonstration in Tel-Aviv, from left to right in the front line of march: MK Youssef Jabareen (Joint List-Hadash), MK Michal Rozin (Meretz), Meretz leader MK Zehava Galon, Joint List chairman MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash), and the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Israel, Adel Amer; in the second line, center, MK Dov Khenin (Joint List - Hadash) holds a sign aloft: “Building an opposition; building hope.”

Thousands in Tel-Aviv Protest New Racist Defense Minister Liberman

Thousands rallied in central Tel Aviv on Saturday night, May 28, to protest Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s appointment of Israel Beytenu’s racist head, Avigdor Liberman, as Israel’s new defense minister in last week’s coalition shakeup. Carrying Red, Palestinian and Israeli flags, protesters marched towards the Tel Aviv Likud party headquarters on King George street chanting:…

Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day ceremony, Tuesday evening, May 10, in Tel-Aviv

Thousands of Israelis, Palestinians Participate in Alternative, Joint Memorial Day Ceremony in T-A

Some 3,000 Israelis and Palestinians, including hundreds from the occupied West Bank, participated on Tuesday, May 10, in an Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day eve ceremony that was held for the 11th consecutive year in Tel-Aviv. The ceremony was organized by Combatants for Peace Movement in cooperation with the Parents’ Circle – Families Forum. The ceremony included…

In February 2011, Israeli occupation forces demolished seven homes and two water cisterns and tore up much of the agriculture land of a small Arab-Bedouin community next to Susiya in the South Hebron Hills. The families whose homes were demolished subsequently crowded into a small cave to seek shelter and sleep. The Red Cross attempted bringing aid and supplies to the families, but was barred by the Israeli Army.

Supreme Court Hearing on Palestinian Village of Susiya Postponed

A postponement has been declared for the hearing by Israel’s Supreme Court of the appeal by the Palestinian residents of Susiya which had been scheduled for Monday, August 3. The appeal involves the rejection by the Planning Committee of Israel’s occupation Civil Administration of the master building plan submitted by the residents of the village. Following this rejection, Israel…

Hundreds of Palestinian, Israeli and international activists march to demand that Israel not demolish Suyisa, South Hebron Hills, July 24, 2015.

Hundreds Protest Forced Transfer and Destruction of Palestinian Village of Susiya

Over 500 Palestinian, Israeli and international activists descended on the Palestinian village of Susiya on Friday, July 24, to protest its imminent demolition and the forced transfer of its residents. Among the demonstrators: members of “Combatants for Peace,” “Rabbis for Human Rights,” and Hadash-Communist Party of Israel. The activists marched through the village, stopping at…

Israeli activist Reut Mor on board a 2012 flotilla to Gaza. Mor was detained by the “Shin Bet,” Israel’s General Security Service, upon her return from a vacation in Greece earlier this week.

Shin Bet Detains Hadash Spokeswoman to Glean Intelligence on Gaza-Bound Flotilla

Israel’s “Shin Bet” (General Security Service) detained Reut Mor, a peace activist and spokeswoman for Hadash during the 2015 election campaign for the Knesset, at Ben-Gurion Airport earlier this week upon her return from vacation in Greece. Mor’s detention was apparently an attempt to glean information about Israelis planning to join the Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla…