Hadash-Ta’al Meets with Netanyahu, Present 12-point Plan to Combat Rampant Bloodshed

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Hadash-Ta’al parliamentary faction on Monday night, as crime in Arab communities claimed its 91st murder victim since the start of 2023. After meeting with lawmakers from the Knesset’s members and Arab local council representatives Netanyahu agreed to the establishment of a ministerial committee, which he would chair, to fight…

Journalist Nidal Agbarieh Murdered in Umm al-Fahm

Nidal Agbarieh, an Arab journalist who ran the Baladna news site, was shot to death, in his car in Umm al-Fahm on Sunday night. The Union of Journalists stated that it was “shaken” by the murder and expressed condolences to Agabrieh’s family. “Israel Police must act immediately to locate the murderers and bring them to justice…

Knesset Allows Police to Search Citizens Homes Without Court Orders

The Israeli parliament, Knesset, advanced last week three bills seeking to increase the powers of its security and prison authorities, measures that could disproportionately affect the state’s citizens, especially the Arab-Palestinian national minority. The Knesset approved the first reading of one bill, which would permit the country’s police force to break into, search homes and confiscate cameras without requiring a…

NGO Demands Immediate Criminal Probe of Police Torture in Nazareth

Lawyers from Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel – have collected multiple sworn affidavits testifying to rampant, systemic attacks and brutal beatings of young Arab protesters by Israeli police, including innocent bystanders, children, and even attorneys inside the Nazareth police station during the period of widespread protests in the city…

"Mourning and United"

Balfour Street Protesters Urge State Investigation into Meron Disaster

Hundreds of protesters gathered outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s official residence on Jerusalem’s Balfour Street on Saturday evening, May 1, demanding the establishment of a state commission of inquiry into the Mt. Meron festival crush that left 45 dead two days earlier. Police closed several roads in the vicinity as demonstrators filled the streets near the premier’s…