Thousands at Sat. Anti-Netanyahu Rallies: “Trump’s Out, Bibi’s Next”

Thousands of citizens of Israel across the country took part on Saturday evening, November 7, in weekly protests against far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in plazas and on highway overpasses as well as outside the premier’s official Jerusalem residence. Several thousand people participated in marches through Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa and Caesarea. Members of Hadash and the…

Maher al-Akhras and MK Ofer Cassif at the Medical Center in Rehovot where the Palestinian prisoner is being detained, Friday, November 7.

Palestinian Ends 103-Day Hunger Strike after Israel Commits to End His Administrative Detention

Palestinian detainee Maher al-Akhras ended his hunger strike, which lasted 103 days, after security services promised not to extend his administrative detention. Al-Akhras’s decision was first announced by the Chairman of the Higher Arab Monitoring Committee in Israel and leading Communist Party member, Mohammad Barakeh on Friday, November 6. Barakeh added that al-Akhras, 49, who hails…