Three years since Operation Cast Lead: Israeli army failed to investigate itself

Three years after murderous Operation Cast Lead against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military’s argument against independent investigation of its conduct during the operation has proven to be hollow. According to B’Tselem, The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, the military has completely failed to investigate itself, regarding both…

Jerusalem: Thousands protest against racism

Calling on the government of Israel to wake up and take a serious stand against racism, thousands of people marched through the streets of Jerusalem  Wednesday to protest what they believe is on-going and institutionalized discrimination against Israelis of Ethiopian descent. Some 5,000 protesters marched from the Knesset compound to Jerusalem’s Independence Park, where a…

Israeli forces confiscated computers and camera memory cards from a detained Palestinian journalist

Israeli occupation forces on Thursday confiscated computers, mobile phones and camera memory cards from the office and home of a Palestinian journalist. Soldiers raided Amin Abu Warda’s office in Nablus at 3 a.m., his colleague Atef Douglas told Ma’an Palestinian news agency, and confiscated several items, including a work computer and mobile phone. Witnesses said…