International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties


New Delhi, November 20-22, 2009


Intervention by Faten Ghattas, Communist Party of Israel


Dear Comrades


It is a pleasure to participate in this important meeting of communist parties and unions from around the world as a representative of the Israeli Communist Party, the party internationalist Jewish – Arab, that our participation in this meeting comes from the strategic vision of the importance of sharing ideas and attitudes and create a unified strategy for our party to stand in the forefront of the struggle against capitalism and class oppression and for social justice and socialism and peace.

Leading Communist Party of Israel members demonstrated today in Bil’in

Once again, Palestinians, as well as Israeli and foreign peace activists, held today (Friday, November 13) massive demonstrations against the West Bank occupation fence in Na’alin and Bil’in. And, once again, the protesters clashed with occupation forces, hurling rocks in their direction. In today’s Na’alin rally two protesters were wounded by Israeli soldiers. In Bil’in,…

Leading Communist Party member MK Muhammad Barakeh accused of assaulting an officer

The Attorney General informed Knesset (Israeli Parliament) Speaker Reuven Rivlin yesterday (Sunday, November 1, 2009) that criminal charges have been filed against MK Muhammad Barakeh, chairman of Hadash (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality), “for attacking an official who was discharging his legal duty, insulting a public servant, assault and interfering with a policeman in…