Following publication in “Haaretz”, Says former MK Issam Makhoul: “Nuclear Ambiguity Leads to Nuclea


Following publication in “Haaretz” daily Israeli newspaper (Monday, August 17, 2009) regarding experiments conducted on reactor employees in the Dimona Nuclear Research Facility, which required them to drink Uranium, former Member of the Knesset and leading Communist Party of Israel member Issam Makhoul calls for closing down of the Nuclear reactor. “These publications further prove that Israel’s policy of ‘Nuclear Ambiguity’ leads to Nuclear Obtuseness”, says Makhoul.


Hadash protest slams Israeli government’s exploitative foreign worker policies

Protesters took to the streets of Tel Aviv yesterday (Monday, August 10, 2009) to demonstrate against Israel’s "revolving door policy" on migrant workers. The march, organized by Hadash (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality – Communist Party of Israel) Tel Aviv, drew hundred activists who held banners, and red flags, and handed out flyers in front of the offices of some of the country’s largest employment agencies on Rothschild Boulevard. "Foreign workers are not slaves!" yelled the protesters.

Israel leaves inhabitants of the West bank thirsty


Join us in protest against shortage caused by the occupation




FRIDAY, AUGUST 7th 2009 AT 13:00 (p.m.)


Jointly organized with the village council and Palestinian and international organizations, on Friday, August 7th, we will set out in a water convoy to the village of Qarawat Bani Zayid, in an act of solidarity with the villagers, and as a protest against the severe water shortage imposed on the villages of Kufr ‘Ayn, Beit Rima, Deir Ghasane, and Nabi Salah.


The convoy will include water tankers, buses, and private vehicles.