On the Israeli elections

From Communist Party of Israel On the Israeli elections Two days after the general election on Tuesday (February 10), it was clear that even after all of the soldiers’ votes had been counted today evening (Thursday, February 12) the mandate distribution in the Knesset (the Israeli parliament) was not altered. Following the final votes’ count,…

No reason to vote Meretz

Communist Party of Israel
www.maki.org.il / info@maki.org.il

From the Israeli leading newspaper "Haaretz" editorial:
No reason to vote Meretz 

"The New Movement-Meretz was established in the period leading up to the elections to the 18th Knesset, with the ambition of filling the vacuum created in Israeli politics in the center and left of center.


On Internet and the Israeli Elections


From Communist Party of Israel

www.maki.org.il / info@maki.org.il


From today’s Guardian British Newspaper:

On Internet and the Israeli Elections

"Assuming the polls are accurate – and they have been quite consistent – Israeli voters are poised to elect a rightwing government in next week’s elections. But if bloggers were representative of the mainstream, Israel’s next government would probably be a Jewish-Arab coalition of socialists, social democrats and environmentalists.