A demonstration in Buenos Aires of former political prisoners during the 7 year military dictatorship in Argentina

Argentinians in Israel Urge Gov’t to Disclose Past Ties with Army Junta

Forty-three years after the coup that ushered in a brutal, seven-year military dictatorship in Argentina, Israel still refuses to release documents on its ties with the pro-imperialist, deadly junta. Twelve Israelis who immigrated to Israel from Argentina have submitted a Freedom of Information (FOI) request in court demanding that the Defense and Foreign Affairs ministries…

MK Aida Touma-Sliman (Hadash) on Monday, September 9, after the adjournment of the meeting of the Knesset Regulatory committee

Hadash MKs: Camera Bill Defeat, Beginning of End for Netanyahu

The racist bill promoted by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party to place cameras in polling stations was defeated in committee yesterday, Monday, September 9. The controversial bill failed to gain a majority in the Knesset Regulatory committee, leaving the Likud-proposed legislation without an immediate path to become law before the September 17 election. The…