Hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian activists demonstrate outside police headquarters at Jerusalem’s Russian Compound on Saturday night, December 7, in solidarity with the residents of Isawiya. The large banner at the extreme left reads: "We are all with Isawiya."

In Central W. Jerusalem, Hundreds Protest Police Rampage in Isawiya

Hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian activists demonstrated outside police headquarters in Jerusalem’s Russian Compound on Saturday night, December 7, calling for an end to nearly six months of daily police brutality and violence in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Isawiya. Among the demonstrators were Hadash MK Youssef Jabareen (Joint List) and several members of Hadash…

The interim interior minister of Bolivia, the far-right Senator Arturo Murillo

Bolivia’s Illegal Coup Government to Seek Military Aid from Israel

Bolivia’s interim government wants military Israel to help local authorities fight “terrorism” in the Latin-American country, the interior minister told Reuters on Friday, December 6, alleging plots by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and other leftists to destabilize the coup government. Without providing details, Arturo Murillo said Bolivian police “were investigating radical leftists, allegedly linked to…

Far-Right Gov’t Approves Further Funding for West Bank Settlements

Israel’s far-right government approved on Sunday, December 1, an additional 40 million shekels ($11.5 million) for settlements in the occupied West Bank. The overwhelming majority of the funding allocation approved by the cabinet – 34.5 million shekels ($9.9 million) – is reportedly a one-time grant for “security needs” of Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.…