The International Criminal Court's (ICC) Chief Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda

MK Cassif on ICC Announcement: Israelis Have to Look Squarely at Crimes Committed in Their Name

Since the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, announced there’s reasonable basis to probe Israel for war crimes against Palestinians, Israeli media and officials have been quick to spread false conclusions and arouse a deep political debate. In light of Bensouda’s statement, Likud MK Gideon Sa’ar stated on Sunday, December 22, that “a few days…

International Criminal Court Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda

Hadash: ICC Investigation into the Situation in Palestine is Justified

Hadash welcomed the announcement by the Chief Prosecutor of the Hague-based International Criminal Court (ICC), Fatou Bensouda, on Friday December 20, that her office is going to proceed with an investigation into the situation in Palestine in relation to Israeli crimes against the occupied Palestinian people. “Today, I announce that following a thorough, independent and objective…

Israel Collectively Punishing W.B. Palestinians by Cutting Electricity

Tens of thousands of Palestinian West Bank households, medical centers, businesses, banks and educational facilities in Ramallah were without electrical power for three full hours on Sunday, December 15, after the Israeli Electricity Company (IEC), in a step supported by the Israeli’s government, cut power to main power supply points served by the Palestinian-owned Jerusalem District…

The poll published on Friday, December 13, by Israel Hayom: "If the Knesset elections were held today, with Benjamin Netanyahu at the head of the Likud, for which party would you vote?" From left to right appear the results for the nine parties that would enter the 23rd Knesset: Blue & White, Likud, The Joint List, Shas, Yisrael Beytenu, United Torah Judaism, Labor-Gesher and The Democratic Camp. *In parentheses are the number of seats given by the Israel HaYom poll conducted on November 29, 2019. **Parties that [according to the poll] won't pass the electoral threshold [3.25%]: Union of Rightist Parties (Jewish Home-National Union) 2%; Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Strength) 1%.

New Poll Shows Gantz Increasing Lead; Joint List Winning 14 Seats

Israel’s Blue & White centrist party led by MK Benny Gantz is increasing its lead over far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, according to a pre-election poll released Friday, December 13, by Israel Hayom, the free newspaper published by the American Republican and pro-Netanyahu billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson. If the elections for the 23rd…