Palestinian MP and freedom fighter Khalida Jarrar

Palestinian MP Khalida Jarrar Freed after 2 Years in Israeli Prison

Palestinian legislator Khalida Jarrar, a senior member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), was released on Sunday, September 26, after serving two years in Israeli prison, more than half of that time under administrative detention. The latter procedure, primarily used by Israel with Palestinians political prisoners, allows occupation security forces to imprison…

Occupation soldiers verify the identity of Palestinian farmers in the West Bank.

Israel Violating Palestinians Rights via Control of Population Registry

A position paper recently published by the Israeli NGO HaMoked – The Center for Defense for the Individual – describes how the occupation regime’s long-standing freeze of the Palestinian population registry, effectively controlling it, infringes basic human rights of thousands of persons living under the military rule. The paper covers the legal and historical background…