The Central Elections Committee convened in Jerusalem on Wednesday, February 17, to debate and vote on the disqualification petitions submitted by Otzma Yehudit aimed at delegitimizing Arab representation in Israel's Knesset.

Central Elections Committee Nixes Disqualifying Joint List Candidates

The Knesset’s Central Elections Committee (CED) convened on Wednesday, February 17, and rejected petitions by the fascist and racist Otzma Yehudit (“Jewish Power”) party to disqualify the Joint List and Ra’am from running in the March 23 general elections for the Knesset. The committee is made up of representatives of factions in the outgoing Knesset. Otzma Yehudit…

Arab-Druze citizens of Syria demonstrate against Israel’s occupation and annexation of the Golan Heights, Majdal Shams, Sunday, February 14, 2021.

Golan Height’s Arab-Druze Protest 39 Years since Israel’s Annexation

Arab-Druze citizens of Syria residing in the occupied Golan Heights commemorated on Sunday, February 14, the 39th anniversary of their general strike to protest the illegal occupation and unilateral annexation of that territory by Israel.  In Sunday’s demonstrations, hundreds took part in marches and rallies, carrying Syrian national flags, in the Arab-Druze town of Majdal…

Protesters call for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's resignation on Monday, February 8 outside the Jerusalem courthouse where his trial is about to resume. The caption beneath the live broadcast image reads: "Prime Minister Netanyahu is about to arrive at court."

Protesters Carry “Crime Minister” Banners outside Netanyahu’s Trial

Hundreds demonstrated on Monday, February 8, outside Jerusalem’s district courthouse where far-right Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption trial has resumed after more than a half-year hiatus. Among the banners and signs carried by protesters were ones reading “Crime Minister,” one of the leading anti-Netanyahu organizations. The prime minister pleaded not guilty as he appeared before…