Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit

AG: Withholding of Israel Prize to Communist Academic Was Wrong

Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit told the High Court of Justice on Thursday, July 23, that far-right former Education Minister Yoav Gallant’s decision to block a Communist professor from receiving the prestigious Israel Prize for his supposed backing of boycotts against Israel was wrong. In his response to a petition against Gallant’s decision, Mandelblit said the selection…

Demonstrators protest outside the Knesset against the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law, July 6, 2021. The Hebrew sign to the right reads: "The Citizenship Law constitutes collective punishment."

Gov’t Stonewalls Family Unification despite End of “Temporary” Order

Israel’s Interior Ministry is refusing to discuss requests for family unification of Palestinians married to Israeli citizens, even though the 2003 “temporary” ban on such unification expired over two weeks ago. According to Haaretz, far-right Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked ordered the ministry’s Population and Immigration Authority, which handles requests of this type, not to discuss…

Dov Khenin attends a demonstration against construction on the Palmahim beach along Israel's southern Mediterranean coast. The sign held by the boy reads "Enough Robbery."

New Gov’t Promoting Projects That Are Environmentally Destructive

The new Bennet-Lapid government is promoting plans destructive to the environment that were set in motion by previous governments, a coalition of Israel’s major green groups stated on Wednesday, July 14, the Hebrew-language Communist website Zo Haderech reported. The groups made the statement at a press conference following the government’s decision to extend the life of an…