Leading Communist Party of Israel members demonstrated today in Bil’in

Once again, Palestinians, as well as Israeli and foreign peace activists, held today (Friday, November 13) massive demonstrations against the West Bank occupation fence in Na’alin and Bil’in. And, once again, the protesters clashed with occupation forces, hurling rocks in their direction. In today’s Na’alin rally two protesters were wounded by Israeli soldiers. In Bil’in,…

To the Left Party,Germany

Communist Party of Israel

Tel-Aviv, September 29, 2009

To the Left Party,


Dear Comrades

On the occasion of the Bundestag elections, the Central Committee the Communist Party of Israel conveys its heartfelt comradely greetings and congratulations to the Left Party, on the proud achievements in these elections.


Palestinian-Arabs in Israel to strike against wave of racism

The Higher Arab Monitoring Committee in Israel announced yesterday (Wednesday, September 2) that it will hold a general strike next month (Thursday, October 1) in protest of the racist government’s policies.


In the meeting, held in Nazareth, it was decided that the strike will take place on the same day that the events of October 2000, which left 13 Palestinian-Arabs (Israeli citizens) dead, are commemorated.


Following publication in “Haaretz”, Says former MK Issam Makhoul: “Nuclear Ambiguity Leads to Nuclea


Following publication in “Haaretz” daily Israeli newspaper (Monday, August 17, 2009) regarding experiments conducted on reactor employees in the Dimona Nuclear Research Facility, which required them to drink Uranium, former Member of the Knesset and leading Communist Party of Israel member Issam Makhoul calls for closing down of the Nuclear reactor. “These publications further prove that Israel’s policy of ‘Nuclear Ambiguity’ leads to Nuclear Obtuseness”, says Makhoul.


Israel leaves inhabitants of the West bank thirsty


Join us in protest against shortage caused by the occupation




FRIDAY, AUGUST 7th 2009 AT 13:00 (p.m.)


Jointly organized with the village council and Palestinian and international organizations, on Friday, August 7th, we will set out in a water convoy to the village of Qarawat Bani Zayid, in an act of solidarity with the villagers, and as a protest against the severe water shortage imposed on the villages of Kufr ‘Ayn, Beit Rima, Deir Ghasane, and Nabi Salah.


The convoy will include water tankers, buses, and private vehicles.



MK Barakeh: Netanyahu has chosen settlements – not peace

Hadash Chairman and Member of the Knesset Mohammad Barakeh said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech in Bar-Ilan University indicated that he was "once again choosing the peace of the settlements, which collides head-on with the peace of the region and all of its nations".   "Netanyhau spoke like a chameleon about a Palestinian state,…

Protestors march in Tel Aviv to mark 42 years of occupation under slogan: “End the occupation – star


Thousands of peace and communists activists marched tonight (Saturday, June 6, 2009) in Tel Aviv marking 42 years of Palestinian territories occupation. Protestors were chanting: "End the occupation – start living" and "Israel-Palestine, two states for two peoples". Around 5,000 demonstrators marched in the rally, which led from Rabin Square to the Tel Aviv museum in front of the Ministry of Defense.




Dr. Afo Agbaria Wrote to UN Secretary-General on War Crimes in Gaza

Member of the Knesset, Dr. Afo Agbaria (Hadash fraction) on Wednesday (June 3, 2009) wrote to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, asking that he be allowed to assist the UN investigation on war crimes during Israeli military Operation "Cast Lead" in the Gaza Strip. International prosecutor Richard Goldstone and his team of investigators arrived in Gaza via Egypt two days ago to begin the probe.