French Left MPs Sign Draft Resolution Condemning Israel’s Apartheid and Occupation

Some 38 Left French MPs have signed a draft resolution condemning Israel’s “institutionalization of an apartheid regime against Palestinian people,” L’Humanite reported on Friday. The draft resolution was originally submitted on 13 July by Communist MP Jean-Paul Lecocq vice-president of the Foreign Affairs Committee but stirred a public debate on Friday. Resolutions are opinions, issued by…

Pegasus Spyware Used Against Thailand’s Pro-Democracy Movement

After years of concerns that Thailand was purchasing Israeli-made cyber surveillance technologies, human rights groups have found the first forensic evidence linking the NSO Group’s infamous Pegasus spyware to the Southeast Asian kingdom. A new report by Citizen Lab, published Monday together with two Thai civil society groups, says digital forensic evidence indicates that at…

World Zionist Organization to Invest 30m Shekels to Ready Settlements for Legalization

The World Zionist Organization Settlement Division is set to invest 29.5 million shekels ($8.5 million) to connect “unauthorized” occupied West Bank settlements (called “outposts” by officials) to the electricity grid and prepare master plans ahead of authorizing them as proper settlements. Peace Now led on May 30, 2022 a landmark protest which called upon Israel…

Nixed Musical About Occupation Soldiers Sparks Protests

Dozens of figures from Israel’s cultural scene signed a letter released Wednesday calling on far-right Culture Minister Chili Tropper to intervene following the cancellation last month at the Fringe Theater in Beersheba of a performance of a musical featuring the testimonies of female occupation soldiers serving in the West Bank that were collected by Breaking…