B’Tselem: Ahmad Tazaz’ah was killed by Israeli soldiers using unlawful lethal force

On 31 October 2013, Ahmad Tazaz’ah, 20, was killed in a market near Qabatiya, in the occupied Palestinian northern West Bank. According to B’Tselem’s inquiry, Tazaz’ah was killed by live ammunition fired by Israeli soldiers, and not in intra-Palestinian violence. According to the investigation, Palestinian youths threw stones at Israeli troops returning from an arrest…

Arab-Bedouins and other activists participating in a vigil to mark Land Day in the unrecognized village of Wadi El Naam, Israel, on March 30, 2012. During the vigil the protesters held signs calling to stop Prawer Plan, approved by the Israeli government on the 11th of September, 2011. The plan will displace more than 40,000 Arab-Bedouin citizens through the destruction of most unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Negev desert (Photo: Activestills)

Hadash MK calls proposed legislation on Arab-Bedouins in the Negev a transfer plan

Interruptions, yelling and expulsions took place in the Knesset Wednesday morning as former minister Benjamin Begin listened to speakers criticize his proposed law, called “Prawer Plan”. Several Left and Arab MKs and supporters from various human rights NGOs railed against the bill, claiming it would result in up to 40,000 Arab-Bedouin citizens losing their land.…

15 IMCWP: Contribution of the Communist Party of Israel

Contribution of the Communist Party of Israel, to the15th International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties held in Lisbon, Portugal on 8-10 November 2013.   Dear Comrades and friends,   The CPI salutes you all – communist and workers’ parties of the world, and convey revolutionary greetings to all the delegates that participate in this…

Histadrut headquarters in Tel-Aviv (Photo: Al Ittihad)

Court blocks appointment of new Histadrut chairman

The Tel Aviv District Court on Sunday ordered the Histadrut labor federation to cancel a meeting of its representative council, scheduled for Tuesday, to approve Chairman Ofer Eini’s (Labor Party) choice of Avi Nissenkorn, head of the trade union division, as his successor. Member of Knesset Eitan Cabel petitioned the Tel Aviv District Court, Sunday,…

The A Bruenn JR shop in Berlin was vandalized by Nazis and its front wall was inscribed with anti-Semitic graffiti during Kristallnacht (Photo: Archive)

MK Dov Khenin remembers Kristallnacht

On Sunday, the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Center in Jerusalem commemorated the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht, “the night of broken glass,” when Nazi-fascists swept through Jewish towns and neighborhoods throughout Germany burning homes and synagogues, destroying shops, and attacking Jews. Some 500 Jews were killed in the attacks. Over 30,000 were arrested and sent to…