Activists blocking a road in center Tel Aviv during a protest against the Prawer-Begin plan, last Saturday, December 7, 2013 (Photo: Activestills)

MK Barakeh: Prawer plan is a racist law

Former cabinet minister Benny Begin, who in the previous government was in charge of gathering and implementing right wing government proposals to Arab-Bedouin evictions, said on Monday that he never presented the bill to representatives of the Bedouin community and did not ask for their positions on the matter. The draft law is commonly known…

MK Dov Khenin (Photo: Al Ittihad)

Government rejects same-sex housing benefits law

The Ministerial Committee for Legislation unanimously rejected Sunday a bill that would enshrine in law married mortgage benefits for same-sex couples. The ministers saw “the proposal as unnecessary,” a cabinet statement said Sunday afternoon. The legislation was sponsored by MK Dov Khenin (Hadash).  “The time has come for equality to be anchored in distinct legislation,”…

Issam Makhoul (in the middle of the picture) in a demonstration against nuclear weapons in New York (photo: United Nations)

Conference for a Middle East free of nuclear weapons

The Emil Touma Institute for Palestinian and Israeli Studies and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Israel Office, invite you to an international conference:  “For a Middle East Free of Nuclear Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction”, tomorrow, Thursday, December 5, at the Dan Panorama Hotel, Sderot Hanassi 107, Haifa; and on Friday, December 6, at the Tikotin…

Demonstrators run away from a police water canon track during a Day Of Rage protest against the Prawer-Begin Plan, Haifa, Israel, November 30, 2013 (Photo: Activestills)

Police demand media outlets turn over material from Prawer Plan protests

The Israel Police, in cooperation with prosecutors from the Southern District, filed eight indictments Monday against individuals authorities claim were involved in clashes Saturday during a demonstration against Israel’s controversial Arab-Bedouin eviction plan. Four of those detained and charged were minors, police said. Earlier Monday, indictments were filed against two youths who prosecutors said attacked police during…