Water truck at Khirbet Jenbah, South Hebron Hills. Village is not hooked up to water grid (Photo: Activestills)

B’Tselem: Undeniable discrimination in the amount of water allocated to Israelis and Palestinians

Following the Knesset debate today, B’Tselem publishes a short FAQ about inequality in the distribution of water between Palestinians and Israelis. – Is there discrimination in terms of the quantity of water available to Israelis and Palestinians? Yes, there is discrimination in water allocation and Israeli citizens receive much more water than Palestinian residents of…

2,000 marched in Hebron to mark the 20th anniversary of a massacre of 29 Palestinians in a mosque by a Jewish extremist, and 13 were injured when Israeli forces dispersed the demonstration (Photo: Activestills)

13 injured as Hebron clashes mark massacre anniversary; occupation forces open fire on protesters across the West Bank

2,000 marched in Hebron on Friday, among them Israeli peace activists and Hadash members, to mark the 20th anniversary of the massacre of 29 Palestinians in a mosque by a settler, and 13 were injured when Israeli forces dispersed the demonstration. The clashes erupted following a large demonstration organized by the activist group “Youths against…

Rally for public housing in Jerusalem, November 2011 (Photo: Activestills)

Hadash MKs demands public housing in national housing law

The Internal Affairs and Environment Committee will not pass Finance Minister Yair Lapid’s (Yesh Atid) National Housing law unless he adds a public housing component, committee Hadash MKs said on Monday. Hadash MKs hammered Lapid for not focusing enough on affordable and public housing in the law. “Affordable housing isn’t putting a family in a…