MK Dov Khenin during a rally in Tel-Aviv for the rights of the Nazi-fascist Holocaust survivors, Sunday, April 27, 2014 (Photo: Zo Haderech)

MK Khenin: The goal is to ensure that not a single Holocaust survivor is left without the ability to live

The Knesset Lobby for Holocaust Survivors convened a special hearing on Monday afternoon, in honor of Holocaust Memorial Day. The goal: to discuss important issues regarding the Israeli government services for survivors – and to give Holocaust survivors a platform and a voice. During the meeting, the Caucus vowed to continue working closely with other…

A meeting of the Iraqi Communist Party (Photo: Al Ittihad)

A letter to the Iraqi Communist Party

The Communist Party of Israel (CPI) condemns and mourns the assassination of comrade Mehdi Mustafa Wadi (Abu Sh’aib), and conveys its deep condolences to his family and comrades. It is important to point out that such a violent and vicious attack, though carried out by local bigots, cannot be separated from the imperialist intervention in…

Demonstration in Tel-Aviv against the biometric database law (Photo: Nilly Oren)

Hadash moves to fight right-wing laws

Hadash MKs have presented bills in recent weeks in a bid to repeal laws that sharply curtail the civil rights of Israeli citizens, including the law that penalizes Israelis calling for a boycott of Israel or settlements in the Palestinian occupied territories. Hadash is also targeting the law that denies funding to groups that “undermine…

Groups opposed to the drafting of Arab and Jewish youth into the Israel Defense Forces, including the Young Communist League of Israel, staged a protest rally in Nazareth on Saturday, April 12, 2014, in which male and female teens marched into Spring Square in the center of town dressed in military attire and carrying toy rifles (Photo: Tagreed Soliman)

IDF to send ‘voluntary draft notices’ to Christian Arabs

The Israel Defense Forces will send draft notices to Christian Palestinian-Arab, Israeli teenager citizens, over the next several weeks in an attempt to increase voluntary enlistment within the community.  Christian Arab citizens of Israel are not subject to compulsory military service. They can volunteer, but few do. According to an Army Radio report on the…

From the short film "Gaza, Tel Aviv, Gaza" - Erez Crossing Comes to Central Israel

New short film: “Gaza, Tel Aviv, Gaza”

April 10, 2014. “Gaza, Tel Aviv, Gaza“, a short film created for Gisha by Itamar Rose, places ordinary Israelis in the roles of those enforcing the criteria on travel from Gaza: specifically the requirement that requests to visit ailing relatives be submitted by first-degree relatives only. Though the northern Gaza Strip is only about 50…