MK Dov Khenin during an environmental meeting at the Tel-Aviv's coast, May 12, 2014 (Photo: Zalul)

Israel’s environmentalists are up in arms

The Interior Ministry has decided to terminate their long-established representation in the country’s foremost planning commission forums. Petitions to the High Court of Justice against this are already in the pipeline. The environmental organizations contend that their absence would inevitably deny ordinary Israelis a voice on what might be constructed in their vicinity and that…

May Day 2014 in Tel-Aviv: Raise the minimum wage to 30 shekels an hour (Photo: Galit)

Worker exploitation: How the state supports businesses

More than 120 years have passed since May Day was first celebrated as the workers’ struggle day. Despite significant progress that has been made in the past century, such as the inclusion of workers’ rights into the public discourse and protests, and progressive labor law legislation, many employers continue to overwork and underpay their workers,…

Palestinians demonstrate in solidarity with hunger-striking Palestinian administrative prisoners, Nablus, West Bank, May 11, 2014 (Photo: Activestills)

Palestinian administrative detainees on hunger strike

On Thursday, 24 April 2014, Palestinian administrative detainees held by the Israel Prison Service (IPS) announced a hunger strike to protest the Israeli security establishment’s use of administrative detention. According to the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society, more than ninety administrative detainees went on hunger strike that day, with another six joining them a week later. On…

MK Dov Khenin during a protest meeting in front the Holyland Project in Jerusalem (Photo: The Association for the Defense of Nature)

MK Khenin on Olmert’s verdict: “We need to move in the opposite direction of Netanyahu’s neo-liberal reforms”

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) reacted Tuesday afternoon to the sentencing of former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. Olmert was handed a six-year prison sentence Tuesday, and will apparently be the first Prime Minister to be incarcerated in Israeli history. “Olmert’s sentence joins the parade of shame bourgeois politicians into the walls of the prison and is…

An Egged bus (Photo: Al Ittihad)

Several labor disputes declared

The Coordinating and Implementation Committee of the Histadrut Labor Federation declared a number of labor disputes at government offices and companies serving the public. Acording the law, Subsequently of these declarations, strikes can be started after two weeks. Among those involved in the disputes were the Egged bus company, the Tnuva agricultural and industrial complex,…