Government plans to use army to break any port strike

As the government seeks to implement privatization in Israel’s docks, Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz is preparing for an all-out battle against expected strikes at the seaports of Haifa and Ashdod. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently gave the go-ahead to Katz’s plan to establish two new, private ports. The transportation minister is expected to publish tenders…

Report: Israel is largest drone exporter in the world

Israel is the world’s largest exporter of unmanned aircraft, in terms of the number of systems sold, a study has found. According to “Prensa Latina” new agency, in eight years Israel exported $4.6 billion worth of UAVs, to countries ranging from Britain to India and Uganda. One of the main reasons for the growth in…

Israel has highest poverty rate in OECD

Israel has a poverty rate of 21 percent, the highest among all OECD countries, a report by the economic development organization revealed last Wednesday.  The report, aimed at investigating the impact of the global capitalist crisis on developing countries, also found that the gap between the rich and the poor was very high in Israel,…

Nakba Day celebrated at Tel Aviv University

Hundreds of students assembled at Tel Aviv University (TAU) on Monday to commemorate the Nakba (“catastrophe” in Arabic). The day marked the 65th anniversary of the State of Israel’s establishment in 1948, which coincided with the destruction of over 500 Palestinian villages and the creation of an estimated 750,000 refugees. Nakba commemorations were held this…

MK Khenin against capitalists over issue of exporting natural gas

Tensions stirred in the Knesset Economic Affairs Committee on Monday, as MK’s and gas industry capitalists sparred over the increasingly hot-button issue of exporting the country’s natural gas. The offshore Tamar reservoir is already flowing into the country’s transmission pipelines, with the 282 billion cubic meters found there dedicated to domestic use only. Tamar’s roughly…

12,000 protest against Lapid’s neo-liberal measures

Several thousands of Israelis took to the streets in Tel-Aviv on Saturday night to protest against austerity measures presented past week as part of the state’s new neo-liberal budget. Rallies take place in other cities across the country, bringing back the social protest that took Israel by storm two years ago. Some 12,000 people marched in…