On the night of November 7, 2011, fascists and racists slogans and personal threats were sprayed inside the house of Hagit Ofran, the head of Peace Now's "settlements watch" office. A nearby car, which does not belong to Ofran, was also vandalized, most likely because it sported a "Peace Now" sticker.

Peace Activists Get Death Threats

A 21 year-old man, was arrested again on Sunday night in connection with death threats he sent via e-mail to members of “Peace Now”, last Sunday. The man in question, whose identity cannot be published due to a gag order, was arrested two weeks ago in connection with a bomb threat and an act of…

Protesters injured in demonstration at Finance Minister’s house

Stav Shafir, one of the leaders of the tent protests this past summer, was lightly injured during a demonstration outside the home of Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz on Thursday evening. Shafir did not require medical attention. Two other demonstrators were also injured in the protest. One protester was hospitalized at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in…