A wall in the torched mosque in Burqa

Yet Another Mosque Torched by Extreme-Right Jewish Racists

The residents of the Palestinian occupied West Bank village of Burqa, near Nablus, reported that their mosque “Al Nour” has been torched overnight. Defamatory slogans found on the walls, including several reading “Mitzpe Yitzhar” and “War,” suggest that the incident is in fact a racist extreme-right act.  According to Ma’an, the Palestinian news agency, at…

Arab-Jewish Center in Beer-Sheva gutted by fire

The Beer Sheva offices of the Arab-Jewish Centre for Equality, Empowerment and Cooperation (AJEEC), were gutted by fire over the weekend, just hours before a big rally in Jerusalem against the Israeli government’s plan to “resettle” tens of Arab-Bedouin in the Negev. The offices were closed at the time and no one was hurt. The…

Lieberman: The communists are the only alternative to Putin

“A recent Russian parliamentary vote may have been flawed but still represented the will of the people”, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Monday, adding his support for a recently proposed racist bill that would ban mosques from using loudspeakers to call worshippers to prayer. Lieberman also addressed the criticism against him for his…

Arab-Palestinian general strike in Israel: Thousands demonstrated in Jerusalem

Several thousand Arabs and Jews, among them Arab-Bedouins from the Negev, demonstrated on Sunday outside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office, protesting over a plan they say will displace tens of thousands of people from their land. Most of the demonstrators came from Arab-Bedouin communities across Israel, gathering outside Netanyahu’s Jerusalem office holding signs reading…