Peace Now: Two new settlements in the West Bank

For the first time since 2005, new settlements (or in Israeli official language “unauthorized outposts”) were established in the occupied West Bank: “Nahalei Tal”, north-west of Ramallah, and “Tzofin North” (or “Tzofim North”), adjacent to the settlement of Tzofin, north of Qalqiliya. As opposed to the sporadic outposts that are created by the extreme right-wing…

Hadash: the coming elections are about fighting for equality, social justice and a just peace

Neo-liberal and right-wing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and fascist Foreign Minister Ivette (Avigdor) Liberman have agreed to join forces for a general election in the new year. Netanyahu and Liberman said Thursday they will present a joint list for the January 22 election without merging their respective parties, Likud and Yisrael Beitenu. Foreign Minister…