19th Congress of the Young Communist League of Israel

The 19th congress of the Young Communist League of Israel (YCL) opened with a large ceremony in I’biliin last Friday (April 5th), with hundreds of Arab and Jews activists from all over the country. The congress took place with the slogan “Think revolutionary, create real change.” There were several speakers and musical performances through out…

MK Khenin participated in a march on behalf of rights for Holocaust survivors

  MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) participated on Sunday afternoon, in a march on behalf of social rights for Holocaust survivors on the eve of Israeli Holocaust Remembrance Day. The march, organized by the non-profit organization “Aviv Le’nitzolei Ha’shoah” (Spring for Holocaust Survivors) take place in honor of survivors. Participants, including elderly rights organization, “Ken Le’zaken”…

Demonstration in support of Natan Blanc

A demonstration in support of Natan Blanc, who has been sentenced to an eighth term of 14 days in prison for refusing to serve in the Israeli Army, will take place today Saturday, April 6, at 14:00 on the hill above Military Prison No. 6. Activists, among them Communist Party of Israel members, have so…

Hundreds of Cellcom employees have joined the Histadrut

Hundreds employees at mobile carrier Cellcom are unionizing, a few months after the well-publicized struggle by Pelephone mobile carrier employees. One of the results of that struggle was the precedent-setting decision by the National Labor Court banning employers from objecting to unionizing by their employees. Cellcom employees have joined the Histadrut (General Federation of Labor…

Occupation resister sent back to prison

Occupation objector Natan Blanc was sentenced to an eighth prison term on Tuesday. After having served 116 days in prison, Blanc received another 14-day sentence when he reported to the Tel-Hashomer induction base and once again refused to be inducted, due to what he defines as the wave of aggressive militarism in Israeli society, the…