Unions call general strike at all Israeli airlines

All Israeli airlines will be subject to general strike beginning Sunday morning at 05:00. The strike is over the impending decision by the new coalition government to impose an ‘Open Skies’ agreement which threatens the livelihood of thousands of Israeli working families. The unions fear that the Israeli-owned airlines will suffer as giant multinational carriers…

Movement of Democratic Women against cuts in child allowances

The Movement for Democratic Women in Israel (TANDI) has published an open letter to the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Welfare Minister Meir Cohen urging them not to cut child allowances and for a comprehensive support and allowances programs in order to adapt them to recipients’ real needs.  According to TANDI…

Poll: 61% of Jewish Israelis support 2-state solution

A majority of the Jewish public in Israel (57 percent) believes Israel should make a unilateral move to determine its borders with the Palestinian territories, using the path of the existing separation wall as a guide, a poll conducted by Rafi Smith for non-partisan political movement Blue White Future released on Friday found. The majority…

PHR: Palestinian hunger strikers mistreated

Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHR), a non-government organization, charged that Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike were not given proper medical attention, Israel Radio reported on Thursday. In a special report prepared ahead of next week’s Palestinian Prisoner Day, PHR claimed that the Prison Service (IPS) uses access to medical treatment as a way of…