Hadash, Labor and Meretz lawmarkers meet in solidarity with Prof. Oded Goldreich at the Knesset in Jerusalem, April 19, 2021.

Scientists Call on Education Min. to Give Israel Prize to Communist Prof

Eighteen prominent international scientists wrote to Israel’s far-right Minister of Education, Yoav Gallant, on Thursday, April 22, to protest his decision to withhold the Israel Prize from Professor Oded Goldreich of the Weizmann Institute of Science, a political activist and member of Hadash and the Communist Party of Israel. According to Haaretz, the scientists, outstanding figures…

Young Communists demonstrate in West Jerusalem, Saturday night, April 24, 2021. The banner reads: "The answer to Cahanism is Arab-Jewish partnership."

Protesters in W. Jerusalem Decry Occupation, Racism & Incitement

A protest against the occupation, racism and political incitement was held in West Jerusalem on Saturday night, April 24, in the wake of week-long tensions that erupted into clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police on Thursday night, April 22, at the Damascus Gate in occupied Jerusalem’s Old City. The same tensions also manifested themselves in renewed rocket…

Israeli occupation police near the Damascus Gate of the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem, Thursday night, April 22, 2021.

Dozens of Palestinians Injured and Arrested in Clashes with Police as Judeofascists Cry “Death to Arabs”

At least 40 persons were injured when violent clashes erupted at the Damascus Gate of the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem late Thursday night and early Friday morning, April 22-23, as Palestinian protesters confronted a group of some 300 extreme-right Israeli activists who marched to the scene chanting “Death to Arabs.” Trying to keep the…

"Not only Floyd, Iyad Hallaq Too," a portrait of the 32-year-old autistic Palestinian man killed by Israeli police in occupied East Jerusalem in May 2020, rendered on Israel's "Apartheid Wall" separating Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

After US Cop’s Conviction in Floyd Murder, Hadash MKs Seek Justice for Victims of Police Violence Here

Following the conviction of former Minneapolis Minnesota police officer Derek Chauvin on Tuesday, April 20, for the murder of George Floyd in a brutal act of racist violence on May 25, 2020, Joint List MKs from Hadash have drawn the parallel with acts of police violence against minority communities in Israel, calling for legal accountability – the…

MK Ayman Odeh's words to the 12th annual National Conference of J Street

MK Odeh Tells “J Street” — We’re Committed to Replacing Netanyahu

The Jewish progressive American advocacy group J Street concluded its 12th annual National Conference on Monday, April 19, virtually hosting nearly 5,000 attendees who listened to lawmakers, experts and activists discuss the current respective political moments in Israel and the United States, as well as the present state of the US-Israel relations. On Sunday, April 18, the…

Palestinians hold an election rally on Salah-al-Din Street in occupied East Jerusalem, Saturday, April 17, 2021.

Police Arrest Palestinian Activists in Jerusalem Ahead of PA Elections

Israeli police arrested on Saturday, April 17, three Palestinian activists in occupied East Jerusalem who were planning to hold a news conference related to the upcoming elections for the Palestinian Authority’s legislative assembly, scheduled for May 22. Candidates Ashraf al-Awar and Naser Kos (Fatah) and Ratiba al-Natshe, (Fida – Palestinian Democratic Union party) organized an elections rally…