Israel's highly militarized police stand ready to confront protesters in the streets of Arab Jaffa, May 21, 2021.

Israel’s Arab Citizens Decry Mass Arrests Aimed at Silencing Them

The High Follow up Committee for Arabs Citizens of Israel, an umbrella organization that is regarded as the national representative of the community, called on Wednesday, May 26, for an end to the government’s detention campaign aimed at politically intimidating and silencing the state’s Arab-Palestinian minority. The committee also demanded the annulment of all indictments issued…

Thousands of Palestinians attend the funeral of the Abu Hatab family in Gaza City. Eight children and two women were killed in the three-store building in the Shati refugee camp, in the northern Gaza Strip, which collapsed following an Israeli airstrike, May 15, 2021.

Communist & Workers’ Parties Deplore Continued Gaza Bloodshed

The undersigned communist and workers’ parties strongly and unequivocally condemn Israel’s aggression being meted out against Palestinians in Jerusalem – as well as the continued military bombardment of Gaza, which has resulted in the killing of scores of Palestinian civilians and the maiming of hundreds more, among them children. Israel’s brazen violation of international humanitarian…