Former Education Minister Yoav Gallant (left) with his mentor, previous PM Benjamin Netanyahu

Last Minute Final Decision Vetoes Israel Prize for Communist Scholar

Former Education Minister Yoav Gallant informed Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit on Friday, June 11, that he had finalized his decision to withhold the Israel Prize in mathematics and computer science from Prof. Oded Goldreich of the Weizmann Institute and a member of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI). According to an Haaretz editorial published on Sunday, June 13,…

Demonstrators march through central West Jerusalem in solidarity with Palestinian residents of Sheikh Jarrah in occupied East Jerusalem, Friday, June 11.

More Solidarity Demonstrations with Residents of Sheikh Jarrah

Two more demonstrations in solidarity with Palestinian residents of occupied East Jerusalem threatened with eviction orders were held Friday, June 11. In Sheikh Jarrah and the nearby neighborhood of Silwan, more than 100 Palestinian families are facing lawsuits at different stages, and over 1,000 Palestinians are at risk of mass displacement from these two areas alone.…

NGO Demands Immediate Criminal Probe of Police Torture in Nazareth

Lawyers from Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel – have collected multiple sworn affidavits testifying to rampant, systemic attacks and brutal beatings of young Arab protesters by Israeli police, including innocent bystanders, children, and even attorneys inside the Nazareth police station during the period of widespread protests in the city…