The Joint List's six MKs pose in the plenum for a picture commemorating the defeat of another annual extension to the "emergency measure" statue of Israel's racist Citizenship Law, Tuesday, July 6, 2021.

Blow to Coalition as Extension of Racist Citizenship Law is Defeated

The Knesset voted down extending for yet another year the 2003 “emergency measure” Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law on Tuesday morning, July 6, after an all-night session, despite a compromise on the controversial legislation reached by the governing coalition. The “temporary” legislation which was first enacted 18 years ago denies the automatic granting of Israeli…

The about to be evacuated Israeli settler outpost of Evyatar erected on Palestinian lands adjacent to the village of Beita, July 3, 2021

Palestinian Killed, Two Wounded by Occupation Forces near Nablus

A 20-year-old Palestinian man was killed on Saturday, July 3, by Israeli military fire, following clashes between residents of the West Bank village of Qusra and Israeli settlers, the Palestinian Health Ministry announced. Ghassan Daghlas, who monitors colonial settlement activities in the northern West Bank, told the Palestinian news agency WAFA that Mohammad Fareed Hasan, a…

Palestinians clash with Israeli occupation forces during a protest in the West Bank village of Beita against a new Israeli settler outpost named Evyatar recently erected on Palestinian land on a mountain adjacent to the village, June 18, 2021.

“Change” Gov’t Approves 31 New Projects in Occupied West Bank

Joint List leader, MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash) has, in an interview with Al-Ittihad, attacked the Bennett-Lapid government for approving building in settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, telling the Arabic-language communist daily, “The government has existed for less than two weeks and has already approved 31 building plans in the settlements.” Odeh went on to say,…