Education Minister Yifat Shasha-Biton at the Trump settlement in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights

Final: Communist Professor Denied Israel Prize over Political Positions

Education Minister Yifat Shasha-Biton announced on Thursday, November 18, affirmation of her far-right predecessor’s decision to withhold the prestigious Israel Prize from communist Professor Oded Goldreich following the latter’s support for the Palestinian struggle, and specifically his call to boycott Ariel University in the occupied West Bank. Goldreich’s lawyer, Atty. Michael Sfard, called the decision “a…

Masked Jewish settlers escorted by Israeli occupation troops assault a Palestinian man in the West Bank in a video released on April 3, 2021.

B’Tselem: Israel Exploiting Settler Violence to Steal Palestinian Lands

Israel systematically uses settler violence as a “major informal tool” to intimidate and drive Palestinians from farming and pasture lands in the West Bank, the Israeli rights group B’Tselem contended on Sunday, November 14. B’Tselem also challenged repeated claims by the government that violence against Palestinians is perpetrated by a small number of extremist settlers…

Under the banner “Human Rights are Not Terror,” Hadash and Communist activists protested outside the Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv on Tuesday evening, October 26, against Israel’s decision to designate six Palestinian human rights and civil organizations as terrorist groups.

MESA Endorses AFE Statement in Support of Palestinian Civil Society

The Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA) endorsed last week a statement issued earlier by the Israeli Academy for Equality (AFE) on Palestinian civil society organizations.  In its statement, Academy for Equality had condemned Israel Defense Minister Benny Gantz’s designation of Palestinian civil society groups late last month as “terrorist organizations.” Under the…

Placards from an anti-Netanyahu demonstration in Jerusalem, May 2020

Joint List Urges Barring Indicted MKs from Forming Government

The Knesset’s ministerial committee on legislation will vote unanimously tomorrow (Sunday, November 14) in favor of setting term limits for Israel’s prime minister, Justice Minister Gideon Sa’ar, who chairs the committee, announced on Thursday, November 11.  Placards from an anti-Netanyahu demonstration in Jerusalem, May 2020 (Photo: Crime Minister) Another Sa’ar-sponsored bill, which would prevent any…

An occupation soldier stands guard over Israeli settlers after they invaded a playground in the Palestinian hamlet of Susya in the West Bank's South Hebron Hills, chasing off the village's children, Saturday, November 6, 2021.

Uptick in Attacks by Settlers in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Nearly two dozen cars in the Ramallah-area Palestinian town of El-Bireh were vandalized overnight into Tuesday, November 9, in an anti-Palestinian hate crime perpetrated by Israeli settlers. Vehicles were daubed with the Hebrew phrase “price tag” — a slogan used by extremist settlers to describe attacks on Palestinians purportedly made in reprisal for some  damage incurred…