MK Touma-Sliman during a demonstration for Arab-Bedouin rights in the Negev, August 2015

MK Touma-Sliman: Battle for Equality and Ending the Occupation are Inseparable

A leading Knesset member from the Joint List has described press reports of a $3.8 billion budget allocation to improve infrastructure and services in Arab communities in Israel has been exaggerated upward. In an interview with Al-Monitor, Hadash MK Aida Touma-Sliman commented, “Our estimate is that it amounts to nearly 10 billion shekels [$2.5 billion].” Touma-Sliman…

The nuclear reactor at Dimona

Workers at Dimona Nuclear Plant Threaten Strike

Employees at the Dimona nuclear reactor announced sanctions and are threatening to escalate them to a full-fledged strike, Channel 2 reported on Monday, January 4. The reactor’s employee union, headed by Oded Dana, decided to stop work at the facility over unilateral steps taken by management against employees. The workers are protesting what they call…

MK Ayman Odeh, last week

Gov’t to Place Conditions on Aid Package for Arab National Minority

Channel 2 News reported Monday night, January 4, that in the wake of last Friday’s terror attack in Tel Aviv, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering withholding funds earmarked for Arab-Palestinian communities in Israel unless they accept new measures for “increased law enforcement.” According to the report, the prime minister instructed government ministers Ze’ev Elkin…