MKs Jabareen and Touma-Sliman at the Communist Party club in Umm al-Fahem

Netanyahu Proposes Transferring Wadi Ara and Its Arab Citizens of Israel to Future Palestinian State

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has adopted an idea that formerly had been beyond the pale: territorial transfer – stripping Arab-Palestinians of their Israeli citizenship without their approval and making them and their homes part of a future Palestinian state, all, of course, on a religious-ethnic basis. In talks with Trump administration officials, Netanyahu has reportedly…

MK Oren Hazan, Likud, snaps a photograph with President Donald Trump, May 22, 2017.

“Regional Cooperation” Minister Warns Palestinians of New Nakba

On Saturday, July 22, Israel’s Minister of Regional Cooperation, Tzachi Hanegbi (Likud), threatened Palestinians with a “new Nakba,” referring to the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes and country during the 1948 establishment of Israel. “You’ve already paid that crazy price twice for your leaders,” he wrote on Facebook, alluding to…