Medical supplies to Venezuela

Palestinian Authority Sends Medical Supplies to Venezuela

The Palestinian Authority (PA) sent on Sunday, August 20, three truckloads of medical supplies to Venezuela, following instructions from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen). Palestinian Minister of Foreign Affairs Riad al-Malki told the Ma’an News Agency that the truckloads of medicine were dispatched on Sunday from warehouses in the northern occupied West Bank district…

Dimona’s Negev Nuclear Research Center

Emergency Order Sends Dimona Nuclear Workers Back to Jobs

Israel’s far-right government unanimously approved on Sunday, August 13, a three-month back-to-work emergency ordinance forcing 50 employees at Dimona’s Negev Nuclear Research Center to return to their jobs. The request for an emergency restraining order by the Israel Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC) against the striking workers came after three months of job actions that caused…