Protests in Sheikh Jarrah Resume; Demonstration Next Friday, Sept. 8

The Shamasne family, which resides in occupied East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, recently received an eviction order from the Execution Office of Israel’s Enforcement and Collection Authority. The order states that the family must evict its home by August 9, 2017, or else it will be forcibly removed by authorities. This order follows a Supreme Court verdict from August…

Salah Hamouri and Fadwa Barghouti, the wife of imprisoned Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti, at the Fête de l’Humanité Communist daily newspaper near Paris in 2012.

Israel Sentences Salah Hamouri to Detention without Charge or Trial

An Israeli court sentenced Salah Hamouri, a human rights defender and field researcher for Palestinian prisoners’ rights group Addameer, to six months of administrative detention − imprisonment without charge or trial − on Tuesday, August 30, in what  Addameer said was “part of a systematic policy of disempowerment.” According to Addameer’s statement, the court’s initial…

Antifascist and anti-Nazi protest in Vilnius, Estonia, January 2013. The full text of the sign at the right (only partially visible on the photo) reads: "Better shit on the head than Nazis in the government."

Communist Parties Denounce EU-Backed Anti-Communist Fiesta

Scores of communist and workers’ parties from around the world issued the following communique last week. The Communist and Workers’ Parties denounce the anti-communist fiesta being organized by the Estonian Presidency of the European Union (EU), in the framework of the so-called “European Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Totalitarian Regimes” which the EU…

Salah Hamouri

Field Researcher Salah Hamouri Seized by Occupation Forces

Salah Hamouri, Addameer’s field researcher and advocate for Palestinian prisoners’ rights, was arrested by Israeli occupation forces in a pre-dawn raid on his home in the neighborhood of Kufr Aqab on Wednesday, August 23. Later, Hamouri was taken to Russian Compound Israeli interrogation center in west Jerusalem, where his detention was extended until Sunday, August  27, for…

The school at the Palestinian village of Jub a-Dib after its demolition

Israel Demolishes School in Jub al-Dib on Eve of New School Year

On Tuesday evening, August 22, at around 7:00 pm, Israeli Civil Administration officials and security forces arrived at the Palestinian village of Jub al-Dib, southeast of Bethlehem. The forces demolished the community’s recently constructed school building. The demolition, which ended around midnight, took place the night before the start of the Palestinian school year, and left 80 pupils without an educational facility. In previous years, the children of Jub al-Dib…