Communist demonstrators distance-protest in south Tel Aviv, one of many hundreds that took place Saturday evening, October 10. The red Hadash placard reads, "When the government is against the people, the people are against the government."

A Thousand “Distanced Protests” against Netanyahu across Israel

Tens of thousands of citizens of Israel participated in protests at hundreds of locations across the country on Saturday night, October 10, against far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the extension of anti-democratic “special emergency” rules. Over 1,000 socially distanced gatherings were held throughout the country, the fourth such event since the government instituted a ban…

"On Tuesday too 'One Kilometer Demonstrations!' -- October 6, 17:30 – Until he goes"

Anti-Netanyahu Protests Resume at Hundreds of Locales around Israel

Far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government held a telephone survey on Tuesday night, October 6, and voted in favor of extending anti-democratic limitations on political demonstrations, specifically aimed at preventing protests outside his Jerusalem residence on Balfour Street this weekend. The limitations were initially passed last week, with only three ministers from Blue & White opposing them.…

"Evening of protests -- the demonstrations continue."

130,000 Protest against PM across Israel; Activists Assaulted by Police

One hundred thirty thousand citizens of Israel protested against far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the government he leads at hundreds of locations across the country on Saturday, October 3, after the passage of anti-democratic legislation last Thursday that banned mass demonstrations as part of coronavirus lockdown restrictions. The figure would make the demonstrations collectively the…

"A State in Protest": At left, Jerusalem's Paris Square during a severely limited demonstration; At right, live reportage from Tel Aviv

B&W Minister Resigns: Netanyahu More Concerned by Own Personal Woes than Fight against COVID-19

Tourism Minister Asaf Zamir became the first Blue & White minister to quit far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government on Friday, October 2, sending the political system into turmoil and raising speculation that elections could be on the horizon. Zamir resigned from the government, citing the passage of controversial legislation last week to restrict protests during the…