Sudanese asylum-seekers demonstrate in Tel Aviv in solidarity with the popular ongoing struggle for democracy in their country, June 2019. The sign in Hebrew held aloft reads “They're killing the people in Sudan and the world remains silent.”

“Shin Bet” Officer Heading Israel’s Security Delegation to The Sudan

A cabinet source said on Sunday, November 15 that an Israeli delegation would be visiting Khartoum, capital of Sudan, in the coming days; this following last month’s normalization announcement between the two countries under urgent pre-election pressure by the Trump administration. The small delegation, with a mandate to focus on “security cooperation” between Israel and Sudan,…

Former World War II Red Army officers at a Holocaust Remembrance Day at Yad Vashem

Academics and Holocaust Survivors Oppose Naming of Far-Right Figure to Chair Yad Vashem Museum

Renowned Jewish historian, Deborah Lipstadt, together with nearly 160 academics, historians, museum curators and Holocaust survivors have signed a petition opposing the appointment of Effi Eitam as the new chairman of Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem. The Anti-Defamation League has also joined the campaign against the appointment of Eitam, a former…

"We are the economic crisis – The student struggle to decrease tuition payments"

Israel’s Unemployed near 1 Million

At the start of the month of October, the number of active jobseekers registered with Israel’s Employment Service Bureau was close to 1 million – or 995,700, 25 % of the workforce. However, as the lockdown was eased towards the end of the month the number had declined to 940,300. These data appear to be…

MK Youssef Jabareen (Hadash-Joint List) during a protest organized by the front in the Galilee; the Hadash placard by a woman protester in the mid-ground reads in Arabic "Down with the occupation and exploitation"; in Hebrew it reads "No to annexation, no to discrimination."

Thousands Again Take Part in Anti-Netanyahu Protests Nationwide

Thousands protested against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once again throughout Israel Saturday night, November 14, outside his official residence in Jerusalem as well as several thousand others who demonstrated in Tel Aviv and Haifa. Several hundred also demonstrated near Netanyahu’s home in Caesarea. Regular protests in squares and on highway overpasses throughout the country were also…