A 2012 demonstration in Tel Aviv's Habima Square

Sanders: Reckless & Illegal Murder of Iranian Scientist – Provocation to Undermine Biden-Iranian Talks

Unidentified persons assassinated the Iranian nuclear scientist Muhsin Fahirzadeh on Friday, November 27, while he was driving his car along a highway near Tehran. However, the victim of the murderous hit, reportedly carried out by a remotely-controlled machine gun placed in the back of an unmanned car, was dubbed by Israel’s security services “the father…

Young communists take part in the Tel Aviv demonstration against the far-right government, Saturday night, November 28, 2020. The Hadash placards read: (right) "Democracy for All," (left) "When the government is against the people, the people are against the government."

Thousands Protest against PM in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv & Arab Towns

Thousands of protesters demonstrated on Saturday evening, November 28, against far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at intersections, on overpasses and in squares across Israel, as weekly demonstrations continued for the 23rd consecutive week. In Jerusalem, some 4,000 demonstrators gathered outside the Prime Minister’s Official Residence on Balfour Street. In Tel Aviv, several hundred protested in Rabin…

Palestinians protest in Al-Bireh on Wednesday, November 18, against US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's visit to Psagot settlement and winery. The residents of Al-Bireh have seen their land taken over by Psagot and other Israeli outposts in the area, including some landowners who hold US citizenship. Pompeo is the first high-ranking US official to have visited an Israeli settlement in the heart of the West Bank.

163 UN States Support Palestinian Statehood & An End to Occupation

A United Nations General Assembly committee endorsed overwhelming on Thursday, November 19, a draft resolution recognizing “the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right to their independent State of Palestine.” Israel and the United States voted against the resolution. The proposal put forward in the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee — the committee…