Hadash in the Tel-Aviv Gay Pride

This week Tel Aviv is celebrating Gay Pride on mass. The parade will be held today (on Friday 8th June), as the highlight of a week full of cultural, art and social activities. Gather with the thousands on Friday at 10 A.M. in Gan Meir (King George Street), home to Tel Aviv’s thriving LGBT community.
Members of Hadash “Red-Pink Union”, the LGBT leftist movement will be there.

The rowdy morning happening will flow into the march at 1 P.M., along the already familiar route up Bograshov Street, over to Ben Yehuda and down Arlozorov. Young and old, male and female (as well as neither and both), religious and secular – everybody in this city comes out for this event.

The march will culminate, as it does every year, under the burning sun on Gordon Beach at around 3 P.M. with a free dance party leading well into sunset. The 2011 Tel Aviv Gay Pride Parade drew more than 120,000 Israelis and tourists (an increase of 25% on last year) in a colorful and vibrant celebration of freedom, brotherhood, social rights and against discrimination and racism.  Since 1998, the Tel Aviv Gay Pride Parade has been celebrated every year during the second weekend of the month of June.