After years of protests: Ammonia tank to be removed from Haifa Bay

After years of demonstrations and protests, Environmental Protection Minister Gilad Erdan and Industry, Commerce and Labor Minister Shalom Simchon decided, Thursday, to remove an ammonia tank that has been housed at Haifa Bay. They also instructed their staffs to quickly develop an outline for establishment of an appropriate plant which will insure the minimization of environment risk from storing the chemical.

Haifa: a demonstration against the ammonia tank (Photo:The Public Health Coalition)

Chairman MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) of the joint Environment and Health Committee welcomed the decision, explaining, “The ammonia tank was a time bomb of safety and environmental risks in the middle of an enormous concentration of population.” He said he hoped the ministerial announcement would really result in fast treatment of the matter.


                 MK Khenin the situation in Haifa bay is highly volatile