The inauguration of the far-right President-elected will take place today, Monday, Jan. 20, in Washington. Trump will take the oath of office as the 47th president of the United States and JD Vance will take the oath of office as vice president. At the same time, Hadash and the Communist Party of Israel activists alongside Partnership for Peace will hold a protest in front the US embassy in Tel-Aviv, 71 Hayarkon Street, under the title “Stop Funding the War.”

Protest against the war in Gaza, at Paris Square in Jerusalem, December 27, 2024 (Photo: Free Jerusalem)
According to Hadash spokesperson, “Administrations come and administrations go, but the occupation continues and deepens more and more. Presidents come and Presidents go – all make declarations of peace – but stirs up more and more enmity, injustices and wars – All is done for divide and rule. Today, a new-old president will enter the White House. He also promises that ‘I will not start wars, I will end them,’ but at the same time fully supports the Israeli government of occupation and massacre and threatens to ignite a terrible regional war.”
“At Donald Trump’s inauguration date, we will stand in front of the United States Embassy in Tel Aviv, and regardless of the identity of the president, his party, his views and his personality, we will demand what is truly required for a future of peace, equality and security for both peoples, Israeli and Palestinian, and for the entire Middle East. A comprehensive deal to release all captives and hostages and end to the war; stopping the weapons shipments that encourage more massacres and more deportations and more ethnic cleansing, respecting all orders, rulings and opinions of the International Court of Justice in The Hague in relation to war crimes and the occupation; and for American and international recognition of the state of Palestine – as a prerequisite for negotiations towards peace and ending the occupation,” agreed.