Hundreds of demonstrators block Route 65 near the entrance to the city of Umm al-Fahm, Sunday evening, January 24, to protest the murder of the a resident of the city, 21-year-old Muhammad Agbaria, the latest local victim of an ever increasing wave of violence and police and governmental inaction in the fight against organized crime in the Arab communities of Israel.

After Murder of Local 21-Year-Old, Masses Block R-65 to Protest Police and Gov’t Inaction against Crime

Hundreds of demonstrators blocked Route 65 near the Umm al-Fahm junction on Sunday evening, January 24, to protest police and governmental inaction in the fight against crime and violence in Israel’s Arab communities following the shooting death of 21-year-old Muhammad Agbaria, a resident of the city, who was killed two days earlier while returning home from…

An illegal Israeli settlement near Jerusalem

Hadash Condemns Plans to Expand Illegal Settlements in Occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank

Hadash condemned on Thursday, January 21, the far-right Israeli government’s plans to build thousands of new housing units in its illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories and called on it not to implement these plans. “Hadash condemns the recent decisions related to the construction of more than 2,500 new homes in the occupied West Bank…