Weathering the Storm; Barred from Building a Home

Day in, day out, the Palestinian residents of Khirbet Susiya see the solid, well-built permanent housing of the settlement of Susiya, established in 1983. Although there has been a Palestinian village in the area since the nineteenth century, the Israeli military displaced the residents from the original site of the village, declaring it an archeological site, and absolutely prohibits them from constructing homes in their present location. The military has even issued demolition orders for tents and temporary structures erected by Palestinians for shelter.

A tent at Khirbet Susiya, Fall 2014.

A tent at Khirbet Susiya, Fall 2014. (Photo: Activestills)

The injustice is all the more blatant given the cold, raging, wintry weather this past week. This is what it means to weather the storm in Susiya, literally, as well as in dozens of other Palestinian communities in Area C, whose residents Israeli authorities are relentlessly trying to displace.


Scenes from the storm filmed by Nasser Nawaj’ah, a B’Tselem field researcher in the Southern Hebron Hills and a resident of Khirbet Susiya